Reconciliation Garden
Why the Garden in the Heart?
We have been creating a space in the heart of the city for the garden in our heart to blossom & bloom for all who take the time to sit & listen. The Wominjeka Garden is a reconciliation garden dedicated to the process of reconciliation with First Nations People.
We have been working on the garden for several years and thanks to generous support, the garden is now growing vigorously and is continuously improving with:
Landscaping, some excavation
Path building
Spreading of mulch, removal of vegetation on the eastern fence
Tree Planting
Building the northern fence.
With thanks to:
Wurrundjeri Tribe
Swinburne University of Technology, Horticulture and Environment
Estate of Ada (Bunty) & Ron Loughrey
Neville Lee in memory of Janette and Helena Lee
Caritas Mother's Day Luncheon
Bunnings Chadstone
Total Plant Solutions
Rotary Club of Chadstone/ East Malvern
Senkaki Landscape Services
Doug Lee, Peter Headlam, Dick Adams, Dick Carter, Cheryl Adams, Barbara Loh and waterers, weeders and all who have assisted
The fence above the Wominjeka Garden has been funded by Chadstone East Malvern Rotary and constructed with their assistance. Doug Lee from St Oswald's and Walter Dooley from Rotary were the main workers involved in the constructon. Make sure you visit the garden if you are near the church at any time and check the the Events section of our web site for activities in Wominjeka Garden.
Glenn Loughrey and the Parish Council will welcome your feedback at any time.