Child Safety
Child Safe Policy
From the Anglican Church of Australia & Anglican Diocese of Melbourne.
New Safe Ministry Documents
Our commitment to child safety
St Oswald’s is committed to all the Child Safety policies of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne. These policies have been amended from time to time and the latest documents may be found at the link above.
Child Safety Officer
The Child Safe Officer in a parish or congregation or in the Cathedral is a point of contact for those who have questions or concerns at St Oswald's Anglican Church Glen Iris.
The Child Safety Officer is a Church Warden of the parish:
Tim Andrews
0401 622 512
The Kooyoora Office of Professional Standards responds as required to all complaints of misconduct including sexual, physical, spiritual or emotional abuse by clergy or Church officers. Any reporting of abuse to the Church must be to the Director of Professional Standards at the Kooyoora office. The first step in making a complaint is to call the recorded information line at any time on: 1800 135 246
Important contact numbers:
Police: 000
Child Protection: 1300 360 391
Kooyoora: 1800 135 246
For more information, contact us directly.