Men of Glenburton
Meet the Men of Glenburton
"We celebrate the things we have in common and respect each other's differences."
Men of Glenburton is a men's (18 plus) community based organization with its primary influence in the Glen Iris and Ashburton areas. It is founded on a broad based set of values of help and care for other humans. Anglican, Baptist Catholic and other faiths and belief systems are represented. One's colour, race, religion, creed or status is no restriction to participation.
Develop our skills so we can continually make a difference in our family, our community and ourselves.
Men generally talk about what they do. They do not discuss their emotions, personal needs or ask for help.
The aim of the Men on Glenburton is to be supportive, open up discussion, share skills and mentor each other. It will also be outward looking and seeking opportunities to help men and others in the community. Values: Men of Glenburton share and promote these.
Caring Sharing
Image credit: Group tour to the Telstra Musuem in 2019.